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DONALD GUNN, JR. is a graduate of both St. Louis University and the St. Louis University School of Law. He is a member of the Missouri Bar, the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis, and The Lawyers Association of St. Louis, for which he served as President in 1970-71. Don is also a Past President of the Board of Governors of Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital, was appointed by the Governor as Chairman of the St. Louis County Board of Election Commissioners, was a founding board member of Boys Hope Girls Hope of St. Louis and Past President of the Missouri Athletic Club. He served for 25 years as Municipal Judge for the City of Richmond Heights, Missouri. His primary practice areas are estate planning, probate law, business law and real estate. Don can be reached by e-mail at dgjatty@aol.com or by phone at 314-432-4550.